Monday, October 13, 2014

blog entry #9 Newtons laws

1:the bowling ball keeps its motion because the pin is stationary and has less mass.

2:the pin has less mass so it doesnt have a big effect on the bowling ball

3:the pin is at rst and the bowling ball is the unbalenced force

4:the pin has little mass and the bowling ball has greater mass

5:the boling ball moves the pin and the pin slows down the bowling ball

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Balenced and Unbalenced Forces

1. We have all heard of the game tug of war.  Explain how this game could have a clear winner. when one side has more force than the other.

2. Why do you think that forces happen in pairs? Because to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

3. I am trying to push a large box across the gym. Although I am exerting a force, the box does not move. Why could that be? The box is to heavy and you arent strong enough to push it.

4. One ball rolls along a shelf at a steady rate. A second ball rolls off the shelf and gains speed as it falls in a curved path. Which must have an unbalanced force acting on it and why?