Tuesday, September 9, 2014

                                 What is Science?

Science is a way of asking questions. Science helps understand how the world around us works. Science is asking questions. Science is life. Science is the way the world works. Without science would anything we have today excist?

                    Variables and Experimental Design

1. Testable Question: Is one brand of paper towels stronger than the other when wet?
Experiment: Measure the strength of two brands of wet paper towels by measuring the number of  marbles each wet towel will hold without tearing.
Independent Variable (IV) Brand of paper towel
Constants (C) Wet
Dependent Variable (DV) Number of marbles

2.Testable Question: Which brand of chocolate bar melts the fastest?
Experiment: Measure the rate at which two (or more) brands of chocolate bars melt.
Independent Variable (IV) Brand of chocolate
Constants (C)
Dependent Variable (DV)  Which brand melts faster

3. Testable Question: Does listening to different types of music affect your hear rate?
Experiment: Measure the pulse rate of individuals following exposure to various types of music.
Independent Variable (IV) Type of music
Constants (C)
Dependent Variable (DV) Heart rate

4. Finally Make up a Testable Question, experiment of how to test and identify the variables for that experiment

Testible Question: Does putting bread in a fridge make it last longer?
Expiriment: Measure the amount of mold on a slice of bread out in the sun and a slice of bread in the fridge
Independent Variable (IV) location of bread
Constants (C) Type of bread
Dependent variable (DV) Amount of mold